5 minutes with Jess Prosser

We catch up with Jess Prosser who has recently returned to Christchurch. A lot of us have been wondering where she has been, so we first started by asking her that very question!

CNC: Jess you’ve returned to Christchurch after 2 years away. Can you please tell us what you’ve been up to, and have you been playing any netball and if so who for?

JP: I had been living in Blenheim for the past two years gaining some life experience and independence away from home. I played netball in their Premier competition both years. First year for Harlequins and second year for Tokomaru. Winning the Championship both years. I also coached the Marlborough Girls High School Year 9 A team.  

CNC: You’re back playing some fantastic netball with the Technical Netball Club. How has it been returning to competition in Christchurch?

JP: It is great to be back playing for Technical. I have really missed the environment. Returning back to the Christchurch competition has definitely been a step up to what I have been playing for the past couple of years. 

CNC: Can you please tell us about your Experience in the Beko team to date?

JP: Its a very long pre season build up so its great to finally have the competition under way, I love the environment and the group of girls I'm playing along side with. I am enjoying the experience and thank full for the opportunity I have been given. Being  surrounded by such a huge support network  and learning new things not only from the game perspective but behind the scenes, preparation in Nutrition, lifeskills, mental skills and strength and Conditioning. They all have such a contributing factor to the game and I am loving the development and experience from this. 

CNC: What else are doing away from the netball court?

JP: I am currently working full time at a Law Firm (Tavendale and Partners) and am studying a Legal Executive Diploma part time. I am coaching the 9B netball team at St Margarets College. Doesn't leave me with much spare time, but when I do have time to myself and get away I love to go fishing! specially the Marlborough Sounds.  

CNC: In three words, how would you describe yourself?

JP: Outgoing, committed and loyal .

CNC: Can you tell us one thing we may not know about you?

JP: This is a tricky question, I am such an open book I don't really have anything hidden that people wouldn't know about me!

Many thanks Jess, it's great to have you back!

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